Wojna trzydziestoletnia – nowe spojrzenie
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Thirty Years’ War
Gustavus Adolphus

How to Cite

Gąsowska, M. (2018). Wojna trzydziestoletnia – nowe spojrzenie: [rec. Peter H. Wilson, "Wojna trzydziestoletnia 1618–1648. Tragedia Europy", Oświęcim 2017, ss. 847. ISBN 978-83-65855-16-9.]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 40(3), 401–406. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.104


It is a review of the Polish translation of Peter H. Wilson’s 'The Thirty Years’ War: Europe’s Tragedy'. The reviewer underlines the scope of the research and the size of the volume (over 800 pages). One of the greatest assets of the monograph is its multidimensional perspective on the whole spectrum of issues related to the subject matter. There are at least two weak points of Wilson’s work, however: the absence of bibliography and lack of detailed descriptions of battles and skirmishes.

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Wilson H. P., Wojna trzydziestoletnia 1618–1648. Tragedia Europy, Oświęcim 2017.

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The editorial team of “Bibliotekarz Podlaski” implements an open access policy by publishing materials in the form of the so-called Gold Open Access. The journal is available under the Creative Commons license – Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0: International: CC BY-SA 4.0).

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