The Renaissance Costume in the Illustrations Included in the Bible Published by Francysk Skaryna
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Renaissance costume
the culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Belarussian traditions

How to Cite

Barvenava, H. (2018). The Renaissance Costume in the Illustrations Included in the Bible Published by Francysk Skaryna. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 39(2), 163–184.


The article focuses on the Renaissance costume, which is depicted in the illustrations of the Bible published by Francysk Skaryna. The illustrations perfectly reflect the culture, fashion, and mores prevalent in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 15th and 16th century. The author examines types of clothes, their fabric (wool, silk, golden silk, linen, paper, leather, plain weave), their colours (scarlet, azure, blue, red,
light blue, brown, gold, silver), their adornments (precious stones, embroidered with gold, silver as well as with wool and linen thread), etc. Concluding, he asserts that the ideal of beauty was based on the principle of rationality and naturalness, which was clearly manifested in the fashion prevalent at the time.
Moreover, the article focuses on the lexis of Skaryna’s old Belarussian. While referring to the textile industry, weaving machines, colours of fabric, adornments, regalia, he enumerates a long list of names of old clothes and parts of clothes. In the 15th and 16th century, Belarussians created their own images of Gothic and, later, Renaissance costumes, which now enrich our understanding of the Renaissance costume in Europe.
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