The Romantic “Being on the Road”: On the Travel Cycles by Mickiewicz ('Crimean Sonnets'), Norwid ('Vade-mecum') and Baudelaire ('The Flowers of Evil')
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lyric poetry

How to Cite

Igliński, G. (2018). The Romantic “Being on the Road”: On the Travel Cycles by Mickiewicz (’Crimean Sonnets’), Norwid (’Vade-mecum’) and Baudelaire (’The Flowers of Evil’). Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 39(2), 185–206.


The article compares three poetic cycles: 'Crimean Sonnets' by Adam Mickiewicz, 'Vade-mecum' by Cyprian Norwid and 'The Flowers of Evil' by Charles Baudelaire, demonstrating their common art of spiritual affinity, situational resemblance and an analogy in their reaction to the surrounding reality. The three cycles, linked by the theme of wandering, contain interpretations of human condition, reveal a certain philosophy of existence and attitudes towards life, as well as the authors’ values and cultural heritage. The article also considers the relation between these works and Dante’s 'Divine Comedy'. This is done because numerous researchers have argued that there is a similarity in the motifs used, particularly those of striving, transformation, guidance and wandering. However, the fact is that the persona or a lyrical character in each cycle – whether it resembles the author or not – most frequently hides the stance of the author himself. This seems to be an indisputable common characteristic of all these works.
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