Sex, Nature, Martyrology and Night: Leopold Staff’s "Ukój"
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Leopold Staff

How to Cite

Barski, K. (2018). Sex, Nature, Martyrology and Night: Leopold Staff’s "Ukój". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 39(2), 259–278.


“Ukój” is an interesting instance of Staff’s early, not modern classicist, but certainly modernist lyric poetry. The main problem of the poem, as well as the main preoccupation of the present article, is encapsulated
by the article’s title. It concerns a sacrilegious sexual intercourse of a crucified man with Night. Such a subject matter necessitates assuming various contextual perspectives: the perception of the erotic at the turn of the 19th century in Poland, epistemology, and their mutual links with the experience of the Absolute.
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