A local library in the jaws of digital technology (from the perspective of Podlachian Library)
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place of memory

How to Cite

Zabielski, Łukasz. (2018). A local library in the jaws of digital technology (from the perspective of Podlachian Library). Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 38(1), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.130


The article describes the phenomenon of fluid modernity and an increased speed of digitalisation of the world in the context of local libraries and their operations. The author, being a supporter and enthusiast of facilitating access to digitalised contents from the whole world asks about the consequences of the changes introduced, including those less optimistic ones. Among dangers he reflects on is the drop in the library’s interest in the quality of the process of reading, the quality of using a book. Referring to the Pierre Nora’s term of “places of memory”, the scholar wonders whether perfecting the channels connecting the reader with the content that omit (invalidate) the role of the surroundings and the context of this contact, will not have negative consequences. The article is essayistic in nature, its goal is to articulate selected issue concerning the operation of a regional library, worthy of thorough analysis and reflections.

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