Remarks about magnate libraries in Podlasie in the 18th century
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book collection
French culture

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Kulesza-Woroniecka, I. (2018). Remarks about magnate libraries in Podlasie in the 18th century. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 38(1), 43–58.


The subject of the study is the attempt to portray the development of magnates’ private libraries in Podlasie in eighteen century. The texts includes the common features and differences between the ways libraries have been established in Podlachian magnate residences. Among factors analysed, there were the size and the content of said collections, internal structure of libraries and their organisation. An attempt has been also made to evaluate the contents of these collections, both in terms of linguistic structures and subjects of the books gathered. An analysis allowed to indicate certain common and distinct features. In accordance to the findings, works in French dominated subject libraries, what indicates a strong influence of French culture over the literary tastes of the Podlachian elites. In terms of subjects, these collections were a composition of readings popular and recognised at the time, and books clearly indicating intellectual interests of the founders and owners of these libraries. It is worth noting that the Magnates’ book collections did in part serve as public libraries, as they were often used by residence dwellers, townsfolk and the local gentry.
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