About community of the table in the films "Wild Strawberries" and the "Seventh Seal" Ingmar Bergman
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table community
space of agreement
space of memory

How to Cite

Rogala, M. (2018). About community of the table in the films "Wild Strawberries" and the "Seventh Seal" Ingmar Bergman. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 38(1), 291–302. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.147


The article discusses the problems presented in the films Wild Strawberries (1956) and the Seventh Seal (1957) directed by Ingmar Bergman from the perspective of the table, which becomes a community space in them, giving a chance to overcome death and establishing
a dialogue with another human being. Arkadius Block, the hero of the Seventh Seal with him, discovers the meaning of life, turns to others, shares not only the meal, but also the human experience of the end. In contrast, the hero of Wild Strawberries , evokes some ideas of the past about the community of the table, which help him to understand the truth about himself, enable him to return to establishing relationships with his fellow men. The Swedish director expresses that people entering his space give it meaning, because it can be a field of agreement, but also a division. This underlines the importance of the table community, which is the expression of humanity.

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