"I am the spirit enriched of aged pains". Bolesław Śmiały in the poetic creation of Juliusz Słowacki and Tadeusz Miciński
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Bolesław II the Bold
St. Stanislaus Bishop
Young Poland
Juliusz Słowacki
Tadeusz Miciński

How to Cite

Flis-Czerniak, E. (2017). "I am the spirit enriched of aged pains". Bolesław Śmiały in the poetic creation of Juliusz Słowacki and Tadeusz Miciński. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 37(4), 81–96. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/158


The conflict between King Bolesław II the Bold and the Bishop of Cracow, Stanisław Szczepanowski, was a noteworthy theme not only for medieval chroniclers and modern historiographers, but also for the creators of literature who recognized in these ancient events a powerful mitogenic material. One of them was Juliusz Słowacki, who in the last unfinished rhapsody of "Król-Duch" showed the main forms of the dispute from centuries as a link in the historical transformation of the spiritual „essence” of the nation in his procession towards final goals. By interpreting the poetic creation of Bolesław Śmiały, who is the hero of Słowacki’s historical and philosophical epic, the sketch’s author juxtaposes it with the creation of a royal figure in a poem by one of the most passionate Young Poland apologists of "Król-Duch" – Tadeusz Miciński. Miciński, referring to Słowacki’s historical philosophy, points to the labyrinth of categories such as wine, rebellion and sacrifice. Overwhelmed by pain, tormented by remorse, the exile king was condemned to the hell of life, opening the gates of heaven to the bishop. Within the scope of this issue, raising the issue of guilt, sin and punishment, considered in both an individual and community perspective, according to the romantic, mystical philosophy of the nation, the inner drama of the hero presented in the poem "Król w Osjaku" Miciński is placed.

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