The library of Andrzej Opaliński. A study
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Poznań Society of Friends of Learning

How to Cite

Gąsowska, M. (2017). The library of Andrzej Opaliński. A study: [rec. "Księgozbiór wielkopolskiego magnata Andrzeja Opalińskiego (1540–1593)", pod red. A. Wagnera, Seria: Biblioteka Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk Księgozbiory Staropolskie, Poznań 2011, Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, ISBN 978-83-7654-112-9, ss. 266]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 37(4), 351–359. Retrieved from


In 2011, in the series Poznań Library Society of Friends of Learning Old Polish Book Collections the book "Library of a Wielkopolska Magnate. Andrzej Opaliński (1540–1593)" was published under the editorship of Arkadiusz Wagner. This consists of eight articles published about the life and death of the Wielkopolska magnate Andrzej of Bnin Opaliński. He was a well-educated, enlightened person. A well-known and influential politician and a passionate bibliophile, whose collection of books at that time was able to match the best royal libraries. In the same publication, the reader is delighted by the reliability of the work conducted by the authors. The impressive multitude of literature and source base makes an impression. In my description I focus primarily on an approximation of the resource of the magnate’s library and its legacy. 

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