A writer in the realm of “regionality”. The case of Gałczyński’s "Olsztyn Chronicle"
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Olsztyn Chronicle
Pranie Forester’s Lodge

How to Cite

Ławski, J. (2019). A writer in the realm of “regionality”. The case of Gałczyński’s "Olsztyn Chronicle" . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 44(3), 263–280. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.196


The author of the essay conducts a polemic with the theses of Professor Zbigniew Chojnowski’s book "Od biografii do recepcji. Ernst Wiechert, Konstanty I. Gałczyński, Zbigniew Herbert na Warmii i Mazurach" ["From Biography to Reception. Ernst Wiechert, Konstanty I. Gałczyński, Zbigniew Herbert in Warmia and Mazuria"] (Olsztyn 2011). The author argued that the Mazurian mythical stay of K. I. Gałczyński’s (1905-1953), an outstanding Polish poet of the 20th century, is a political product of the times. Writing his most important works in Pranie Forester’s Lodge (1950-1953) – including the poem "Kronika olsztyńska" ["Olsztyn Chronicle"] – the poet, as the researcher claims, had little knowledge of Warmia and Mazuria (the Olsztyn mentioned in the title of the poem is situated not in Mazuria but in Warmia). These works were created out of a temporary fascination with this place. The polemicist indicates that the poet’s several years of association with Pranie were not of an episodic nature – to the contrary – they took a special place in Gałczyński’s biography.

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