On Travel Themes and Academic Encounters
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Central and Eastern Europe
Slavic studies

How to Cite

Poliszczuk, J. (2019). On Travel Themes and Academic Encounters : [rec. M. Najenko, "Ozon zarubiżż’a", Kijów 2019, ISBN 978-617-7625-99-4, 304 ss.]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 44(3), 441–451. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.207


The article reviews the original book of memoirs of the Kiev University professor Mykhailo Naienko entitled "Ozone Abroad" (in the original version "Озон зарубіжжя"), published in Kiev in 2019. According to the book’s author, his text is an excellent account of travel, a collection of memories, and a summary of the scientific and creative path of the scientist. Also it is some kind of private document, the result of many questions, occasional judgments and reflection. The author of his memories succumbs to the illusion whose essence lies in the symbolic recovery of time. While the past is articulated and formed in a concise statement, it seems to the author that lost time can be regained. Of course, this is an illusory approach. Reminiscences from the old times experienced by the author will probably be useful to others in the form of a narrative that redefines the past, subjecting it to revision and confronting it with current reality. Mykhailo Naienko’s book seems to be a good contribution to modern history, especially in terms of the intellectual attitude to the challenges of our troubled age.

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