"The puppy years" by M. Vankovich in the light of imagology
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Cultural border
Melchior Wańkowicz
national motives
authentic imagery
literary influences
aesthetic system

How to Cite

Chmialnicki, M. (2017). "The puppy years" by M. Vankovich in the light of imagology. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 36(3), 87–105. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/246


The article deals with the Belarusian discourse in the works of the famous Polish writer Melchior Vankovich. The author of the article thoroughly investigates the tale „The Puppy Years” (1934) in the context of intercultural communication, taking into account the present knowledge of the issue. The Belarusian component in Vankovich’s work (chronotope, an autobiographical character, landscape, features style, national character) is described in the light of imagology and the system of spiritual and aesthetic coordinates. 

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