Eastern european Tatar literature as a subject of imagological research
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Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Eastern European Tatar literature

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Czerwiński, G. (2017). Eastern european Tatar literature as a subject of imagological research. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 36(3), 143–161. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/249


The author of the article, referring to the imagology of the Russian researcher Victor Chorev, analyses the literature of the Tatars of Belarus, Lithuania and Poland. However, the aim of the article is not only to analyse the images of other nations that appear in the works of Tatar writers of Eastern Europe (most often we find images of Crimean Tatars, Turks, and Arabs), but also to compare their presentation in Polish-Tatar, BelarusianTatar, and Lithuanian-Tatar literature (including self-presentation, which is not always identical in these «three literatures»). Every branch of Eastern European Tatar literature (as the author of the article calls the modern writings of Tatars living in countries once forming the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, i.e. Belarus, Lithuania and Poland), although it has common elements, is also characterised by large differences. The author of the article begins their imagological reflections on the literature of Eastern European Tatars with an analysis of the images of other nations and ethnic groups that appear in the travel literature of the interwar period and in the most recent works. Then he tackles the issue of the Second World War experience and the shift of borders in Central and Eastern Europe. These events ultimately broke the Tatar community of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, differentiating, among other things, the ways in which they perceive history. The article ends with reflections on the problem of auto-images and identity. 

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