The western country in 'My memoirs' by duke Włodzimierz Mieszczerski
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Prince Meschersky
the history of 19th century

How to Cite

Kołodziejczak, A. (2017). The western country in ’My memoirs’ by duke Włodzimierz Mieszczerski. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 36(3), 215–232. Retrieved from


Prince Meschersky opted for strong government, and spoke out as a passionate supporter of Mikhail Muravyov’s policy known as Russification that led to the defeat of the upheaval in the Northwestern Krai. The Prince even paid a visit to the Northwestern Krai to learn about the living conditions of the local people, their problems, and their education, as the latter was effectively used as a means of indoctrination of Polish, Ukrainian, and Belarusian people and fostering Russian culture among them. During his trip he also enjoyed the opportunity of meeting numerous Russian patriots, who, just like him, supported Russification. 

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