August Antoni Jakubowski and his american protectors
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August Antoni Jakubowski
recommendation letter
Theodore Dwight
William Buell Sprague
19th century

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Modzelewska, E. (2017). August Antoni Jakubowski and his american protectors. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 36(3), 303–322. Retrieved from


This article is aimed at discussing previously unknown recommendation letter for August Antoni Jakubowski written by Theodore Dwight (1796–1866) to the later poet’s protector William Buell Sprague (1795–1876). This correspondence dated on 17 may 1834 was found by Przemysław Jan Bloch, the president of the Bloch Family Foundation. It provides new information related to the stay and activity of August Antoni Jakubowski in the United States, where the illegitimate son of Antoni Malczewski was deported by the Austrian government in 1833 as a result of repression after the November Uprising. Jakubowski went down in a Polish-American history as the author of ‚The Remembrances of a Polish Exile’ (1835), the first publication on Polish literature, history and education in English published in America. The letter of recommendation sheds a new light not only on Jakubowski’s first years in the United States, but also on his literary output. 

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