Krystyna from Markyate and loneliness, or how easy it is to warp the sense of a story
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Middle Ages
history of England

How to Cite

Suski, R. (2019). Krystyna from Markyate and loneliness, or how easy it is to warp the sense of a story: [rec. Georges Minois, "Historia samotników i samotności", tłum. Wanda Klenczon, Wydawnictwo Aletheia, Warszawa 2018, ss. 590]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 43(2), 421–427.


The article is a review of the book G. Minois The History of Loners and Loneliness. In this text author exemplifies how G. Minois misrepresents sources, and thus gives them a new sense that fails to comply with the original. As a result, based on reading his work, one can get a wrong impression as to the situations described in the sources.
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