The article offers a critical reading of Zygmunt Gloger’s River Valleys. Gloger, a renowned historian, ethnographer and archeologist, is shown as the author of a typically Polish variant of travel discourse. Particularly, the article considers the significance of this prose in the context of Polish literature dedicated to countryside wandering. Countryside wandering is here understood both as part of scholarly research and as a set of assumptions about the relations between people, nature and history. In the course of his deliberations, the author of the article focuses on the narrator – a learned traveler – and draws on the so-called humanistic geography as well as on Ferdinand Braudel’s notion of longue durée.
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Zygmunt Gloger. Pisarz, myśliciel, uczony. Studia, red. nauk. J. Leończuk, J. Ławski, Ł. Zabielski, Białystok 2016; tu szczególnie artykuły B. Noworolskiej („Dolinami rzek” Zygmunta Glogera – wartości poznawcze i estetyczne) oraz J. Sikory („Rzeka” u Glogera i „rzeka” u Miłosza – studium porównawcze).
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