Searching for Community? The Warsaw Positivists and Zygmunt Gloger on Animals
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young Warsaw positivists
Zygmunt Gloger
animal rights

How to Cite

Janicka, A. (2017). Searching for Community? The Warsaw Positivists and Zygmunt Gloger on Animals. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 34(1), 113–132. Retrieved from


Making the distinction between ideological stances of Zygmunt Gloger (1845–1910) and young Warsaw positivists from the circle of “Weekly Review”, the author of the study points to the surprising overlap of their opinions about the role of animals in the life of man. As it turns out, despite numerous differences between a landowner from Podlasie, who cultivated his land in his Jeżewo estate, and young enthusiasts of civilizational progress from Warsaw, there are also lots of similarities in their attitudes towards wildlife, and in their sensitivity or empathy. Gloger was interested in the current research into animal instinct and intelligence. He examined the history of Polish culture, looking for notable individuals dedicated to animal protection. Young positivists started their education by reading the works of Charles Darwin. By combining Darwin’s theory, their reformative desiderata and exceptional social dedication, they developed a truly unique sensitivity to the plight of animals, which found its expression in their press articles and correspondence. Such an attitude (of Gloger and of young positivists) was not common in the second part of the 19th century, at the time when hunters were widely respected.

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