Anna Elzenberg-Zahorska`s Literary Works for Children and Teenagers
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Anna Elzenberg-Zahorska
literary works for children

How to Cite

Wydrycka, A. (2016). Anna Elzenberg-Zahorska`s Literary Works for Children and Teenagers. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 75–86. Retrieved from


The aim of the paper is to present the forgotten literary works for children and adolescents of Anna Zahorska, the poet, writer and critic. She was known during the period of Young Poland (Modernism) under the pen name Savitri. She was born in the Eastern Marches and a lot of spaces in her literary works she devoted to problems of borderland.

During the interwar period the character of her literary works changed. A lot of her works she devoted for children and youth. Only last Dictionaries noticed some of the achievements in this field. During the communist period Zahorska’s work has not been noticed.

Anna Zahorska wrote poems for children. They were scattered in the press of her time. She also wrote longer literary works, mainly scripts for children’s theater and fairy tales. She cooperated with the Salesian Publishing House. Her works for children and youth are characterized by original fiction, humor, grotesque and visibility of the sphere of values, especially the spiritual values.

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