Two Models of the Farewell to Borderlands. Melchior Wańkowicz and Zofia Żurakowska
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Melchior Wańkowicz
Zofia Żurakowska
the Borderlands
the Bolshevik revolution
the nobility culture

How to Cite

Winek, T. (2016). Two Models of the Farewell to Borderlands. Melchior Wańkowicz and Zofia Żurakowska. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 119–135. Retrieved from


Melchior Wańkowicz in his novel Szczenięce lata (Puppie’s years) and Zofia Żurakowska in her work Pożegnanie domu (Farewell to home) addressed the problem of Poles residing on areas which after 1921 found themselves outside the borders of the Republic of Poland. The writers, using their own experience, described destructions caused by the war and the Bolshevik revolution as well as experiences of people forced to leave the family properties. Wańkowicz, by the eyes of the young protagonist, watched and perpetuated the traditional nobility culture of the typical Borderlands manor. He used the noble jargon for description of this culture. Żurakowska placed ephasis on the problem of the regain of homeland, to which she moved the protagonists of the nobel, who were exiled from the Borderlands. In this way she saved the youthful protagonists from the feeling of homelessness and the pessimism imposed by history.     

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