The Kingdom Captured by Dream – Marta Guśniowska’s “Kraina Śpiochów” (“The Land of Sleepyheads”)
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fairy tale
magical realism
dream reification
Kraina Śpiochów (The Land of Sleepyheads)

How to Cite

Poleszak, N. (2016). The Kingdom Captured by Dream – Marta Guśniowska’s “Kraina Śpiochów” (“The Land of Sleepyheads”). Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 179–195. Retrieved from


The article focuses on two points: first, it shows Marta Guśniowska’s link with Białystok (defines the way in which the city facilitates the creative process) and second, describes the oneiric issues in Kraina Śpiochów (The Land of Sleepyheads). The oneiric vision mainly fulfils two roles in the fairytale: constructional and metaphorical. The article also brings up the mechanism of oneiric reification occurring in treating the dream as one of the ‘quasi-realistic’ elements and the way the fairy land appears (magical realism, breaking the classic fairytale conventions). The incorporation of dreamy vision into the presented world visualizes a wide array of literary skills of the Białystok rooted writer, whose works are an interesting lecture for both young and adult readers.      

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