The article looks at Henryk Sienkiewicz’s short novel On the Bright Shore – one of his lesser-known works – which can be best classified both as a traditional romance and a tendentious novel. The author of the article outlines the history of the novel’s composition, demonstrating that – in all probability – it was created from unused fragments of other literary projects. The analysis focuses on the main characters, the erotic motifs and the history of the novel’s critical reception. Sienkiewicz’s work received rather unfavorable reviews, and – as the author of the article remarks – in fact, it is full of various fixed patterns, conventions and stereotypes that the Polish novelist employed in his other, more ambitious texts.
Bujnicki Tadeusz, Szkice, których nie było, [w:] Sienkiewicz z innej strony, red. Jerzy Axer, Tadeusz Bujnicki, Warszawa 2014, s. 171-180.
Krzyżanowski Julian, Twórczość Henryka Sienkiewicza, Warszawa 1970.
Sienkiewicz Henryk, Listy, t. II, cz. 3 (Jadwiga i Edward Janczewscy), opr. Maria Bokszczanin, Warszawa 1996.
Sienkiewicz Henryk, Listy, t. V, cz. 1, oprac. Maria Bokszczanin, Warszawa 2009.
Sienkiewicz Henryk, Na jasnym brzegu. Nowela, Warszawa 1897.
Sienkiewicz Henryk, Nowele współczesne, Dzieła, t. VI, pod red. Juliana Krzyżanowskiego, Warszawa 1949.
Szonert Ewa, Artysta i życie. „Ta trzecia” i „Na jasnym brzegu” Henryka Sienkiewicza, [w:] Henryk Sienkiewicz. Twórczość i recepcja, red. Lech Ludorowski, Lublin 1991, s. 107-117.
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