The article considers the presence of the chivalric code in Sienkiewicz’s Trilogy. The author draws on the examination of military and battle vocabulary from the three famous novels, and – referring to ancient and medieval epic chivalry – shows different ways of representing the war in each part of the Trilogy. The main characters are analyzed in the context of the European ethos of warrior, and – as the author argues – can be treated as paragons of chivalry. The particular attention is paid to the eponymous protagonist of the Trilogy’s last part (Pan Wołodyjowski), who is a hero of a bit different kind: initially, he is not a paragon of virtue, and Sienkiewicz shows the process of his gradual maturity as well as his numerous faults, which endears him to the readers.
Besala Jerzy, Tajemnicze dzieje Polski, Warszawa 2008.
Gloger Zygmunt, Pisma rozproszone, t. 1: 1863–1876, red. Jarosław Ławski i Jan Leończuk, Białystok 2014.
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy, Wspomnienia Wołynia, Polesia i Litwy, Wilno 1840.
Majak Leonarda, Leksyka z zakresu wojskowości w Trylogii Henryka Sienkiewicza, Szczecin 2009.
Podhorodecki Leszek, Kozacy Zaporoscy: czy Polska stworzyła Ukrainę?, Warszawa 2011.
Sienkiewicz Henryk, Pan Wołodyjowski, Warszawa 1990.
Tazbir Janusz, Staszewski Jacek, Kizwalter Tomasz, Historia Polski, t. 2, 1586–1831: królowie elekcyjni, zabory – do powstania listopadowego, Warszawa 2008.
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