Scientific polemics of a ”peasant-lover” (Ukr. khlopoman), Volodymyr Antonovych – tools for the protection of the rights of the Ukrainian language and literature
BP 42
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Volodymyr Antonovych
Ukrainian language and literature
scientific discussion

How to Cite

Korotkij, W. (2019). Scientific polemics of a ”peasant-lover” (Ukr. khlopoman), Volodymyr Antonovych – tools for the protection of the rights of the Ukrainian language and literature . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 9–23.


The article investigates one of the directions of the diverse and still poorly researched activity of the famous Ukrainian scientist and public figure, Professor Volodymyr Antonovych. A Pole by descent, he devoted his life to the people of Ukraine, defending Ukrainian language and literature in scientific polemics. Scientific dispute was the only official tool that the professor could use to publicly discuss the problems that were crucial for Ukraine, and to propose appropriate solutions.
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