The Aesthetic Avant-Gardism of Tomasz August Olizarowski’s Poems: From "The Storm" to "The Tsar-Virgin"
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dark Romanticism
Tomasz August Olizarowski

How to Cite

Burzka-Janik, M. (2015). The Aesthetic Avant-Gardism of Tomasz August Olizarowski’s Poems: From "The Storm" to "The Tsar-Virgin". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 31(2), 78–97. Retrieved from


The article presents an almost totally forgotten poet, playwright, November Uprising fighter and émigré - Tomasz August Olizarowski. Having carried out a research in the Polish Library in Paris, the author delves into the life and work of Olizarowski, focusing on his existing manuscripts and assessing the aesthetic value of his selected works. Particularly, the analysis concentrates on Ukrainian themes, as well as melancholy, macabre, grotesque and mysticism. 

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