The theme of „Dostoevsky and Polish literature” has not been explored in literary studies yet, in particular from a contemporary comparative perspective. The present study unfolds the relationship between modernist Polish literature and the Russian writer᾽s works by focusing on Stanisław Przybyszewski᾽s literary heritage. The Polish writer was thoroughly familiar with Fyodor Dostoevsky᾽s main works, such as “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot” and “The Brothers Karamazov”. The binary relationship can be noticed between the novels “Dzieci Szatana” (eng. “Satan᾽s Children” and “Demons”, which reveal a number of common, artistic tendencies. Przybyszewski᾽s “Homo sapiens”, “Synowie ziemi” (eng. “Sons of the Earth”), “Mocny człowiek” (eng. “Strong Man”) and “Krzyk” (eng. “The Cry”) also share a number of parallels with the Russian writer’s works. In terms of aesthetic considerations, the universe of Dostoevsky’s and Przybyszewski’s novels contains a number of ‘interfering’ motifs, among which are the good and the evil, double, insanity, etc. Their novels display similarities in the creation of a hero, the concept of love and a variety of forms of psychologism.
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