Formal and thematic horizons of small prose in the Duklja magazine (Slovakia)
BP 42
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small prose
ideological paradigm
artistic and aesthetic concept

How to Cite

Kusznir, O. (2019). Formal and thematic horizons of small prose in the Duklja magazine (Slovakia). Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 45–58.


The publication outlines the formal and thematic evolution of the artistic prose of Slovak Ukrainians in the Dukla magazine during the second half of the twentieth century. It is emphasized that fiction publications are mainly small genres: narration, short stories, etudes, sketches, essays etc., which offered readers thematic, compositional and stylistic diversity, a mosaic of ideological and aesthetic horizons. It is substantiated that the genres of small prose are efficient in communication of the Ukrainian-Slovak writers with their readers. The main typological features of mini-epic works are in accordance with the leading tendencies of the development of Ukrainian literature in Slovakia. These enabled the writers to have a pretty good insight into the moral principles of human existence, as well as to make a psychological analysis of personality.
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