The reception of Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ in Paweł Huelle’s novel ‘Castorp’
BP 42
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Thomas Mann
Pavel Huelle
Hans Castorp
mathematical and musical abstractions
Arthur Schopenhauer

How to Cite

Kakauridze, N. (2019). The reception of Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ in Paweł Huelle’s novel ‘Castorp’ . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 73–82.


The present paper is concerned with the reception of Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ in Paweł Huelle’s novel ‘Castorp’. In Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ there is a passage which mentions in passing that the protagonist, Hans Castorp was a student in Danzig – he spent four semesters at the Danzig Polytechnic: “Long before his adventures in Davos, he had spent four semesters at the Danzig Polytechnic”. Intrigued by this line, the Polish writer Pawel Huelle was inspired to write a short novel ‘Castorp’, a kind of prequel to ‘The Magic Mountain’ – the author sets out to recreate the young man’s early adventures in the eastern outpost of the German empire, now the Polish port of Gdansk. ‘Castorp’ can be viewed as a kind of ‘mystification’, a ‘missing chapter’ of ‘The Magic Mountain’ intentionally reproducing narrative style of ‘The Magic Mountain’. Like Mann, Huelle weaves a skillful web of diverse cultural references, mathematical and musical abstractions, Schopenhauer’s philosophy, Schubert’s music, imaginary visions of the two world wars, shaping the polyphonic and contrapuntal structure of the novel.
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