Censorship of the “Kontrasty” magazine in the years 1965– 1979
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socio-cultural magazines

How to Cite

Kościewicz, K. (2020). Censorship of the “Kontrasty” magazine in the years 1965– 1979. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 46(1), 97–118. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.421


The aim of this article is to discuss the censorship process of the “Kontrasty” magazine in the years 1965–1979. The analysis was based on the sources hitherto absent from the scholarly discourse, coming from the Voivodeship Office of Information and Propaganda team kept at the Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw. The author presents “Kontrasty” censorship by the Voivodeship Office of Information and Propaganda in Białystok as a complex phenomenon, changing dynamically during the described decade, dependant on the intellectual and political background of the censored environment and the historic moment. 

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