In the autumn of 1950 Jerzy Zawieyski began writing a drama about a lawsuit of soldiers of the Home Army which took place that day in the People’s Republic of Poland. He abandoned this work after he drew up a plan and finished two scenes of the first act. In the article, he considered the issues of this play and its historical, literary and bio- graphical backgrounds. A reflection on the unfinished drama translates into a description of mechanisms that inhibited development of Polish literature in the period of socialist realism’s offensive. The matters of censorship and self-censorship cross-refer to the writer who, after 1949, became a literary outsider significantly limited in his copyrights.
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Żółkiewski S., Aktualne zagadnienia powojennej prozy polskiej, „Kuźnica” 1949, nr 4, s. 1–4, 8.
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