"Księgi Jakubowe" ["The Books of Jacob"] of Olga Tokarczuk – (re)constructions of the past with Sienkiewicz and Prus in the background
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historical novel
Bolesław Prus
Henryk Sienkiewicz
The Jews

How to Cite

Piechota, D. (2020). "Księgi Jakubowe" ["The Books of Jacob"] of Olga Tokarczuk – (re)constructions of the past with Sienkiewicz and Prus in the background . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 46(1), 385–402. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.436


The Books of Jacob is a historical novel which describes Polish society in the 18th century. Her epic story is “a kind of game with 19th century novel”. That is why she refers to Prus’ and Sienkiewicz’s novels that have a huge impact on this genre. Tokarczuk not only reinterprets the past through herstory, but also deconstructs popular myth of multicultural Poland in which all members of society that represent different
culture and religion live in harmony. Tokarczuk’s novel breaks with the nineteenth-century model of historical narrative, in which the linear presentation of history dominates. Thanks to the introduction of many narrators coming from various environments and social groups, the story is no longer coherent. The non-linear plot, subjective and multisubjects narrative resemble a palimpsest built of numerous stories, often interwoven, and sometimes even mutually exclude. Breaking the continuity of the narrative violates the convention of the coherence of the story, and the reader’s task is to extract the threads and motifs from the novel, and then put them together, giving them their own interpretation. 

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