Time travel. The picture of the future in the novel “It Was in a Hundred Years” by Kir Bulychev
BP 42
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travel in time
science fiction

How to Cite

Bartsevich, V. (2019). Time travel. The picture of the future in the novel “It Was in a Hundred Years” by Kir Bulychev . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 143–158. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.44


Travel in time has always inspired writers to create novels as well as aroused readers’ interest. A soviet author Kir Bulychev (who was especially known for stories about Alisa) chose this thread and has created an amazing series about living in future. One of the novels entitled "It Was in a Hundred Years" attracted my attention the most. It tells about adventures of a boy, Kolya, who made a journey in time and found himself in Moscow in 2082. Creating the world of the future, the writer firmly embedded him in the Soviet realities. However, not all of them are immediately captured. Probably creating this series, Bulychev believed that the everyday ideology existing in his time would not change in the future. The author often refers to other literary works which, unfortunately, were not known to every reader at that time.

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