On the affinities of a biography with a myth in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s "Dionizje"
BP 42
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Karol Szymanowski

How to Cite

Godlewska, J. (2019). On the affinities of a biography with a myth in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s "Dionizje" . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 277–296. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.51


"Dionizje" against the background of the Polish interwar poetry is an example of an “expressionist line of modernizing antiquity.” However, within the framework of the Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz whole work, this concept is an original idea. "Dionizje" is the only poetic volume of Iwaszkiewicz dedicated to a mythological figure. During his dynamic young life, the poet found a patron and a creative inspiration in Dionysus among his numerous relocations and while discovering his homosexual identity. This article is an attempt to demonstrate how many elements from the Dionysian myth (Dionysian myths) can be found in "Dionizje" and, at the same time, to show the convergence of these elements with the biography of the young artist.

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