The author discusses the problem of biography as a literary genre, as well as biographics as a form of (popular-)scientific writing. Among the analysed examples there are texts of: J. Le Goff, J. M. Rymkiewicz, J. Barker, A. Buisine, G.D. Painter, and others. In conclusions the author suggests that ‘the biography’ will remain selection-editorial-reduction, a form of simplification or pigeonholing. Hence, it is impossible to avoid the dilemma of whether it is to be a scientific, literary or popular work, whether to prefer the spirit or the letter of fact.
Barker J., The Brontes (1994, 2010).
Barker J., The Brontës: A Life in Letters (1997).
Barker J., Wordsworth: A Life, 2000.
Barker J., Wordsworth: A Life in Letters (2002).
Barnes J., Flaubert’s Parrot, 1985. Wersja francuska: Le perroquet de Flaubert, przeł. z ang. Jean Guiloineau, Stock 1991, 2000. Wersja polska: Papuga Flauberta, przeł. Adam Szymanowski, Warszawa 1992, 2011, 2019.
Barthes R., La mort de l’auteur, „Mantéia” 1968, nr 5.
Barthes R., The Death of the Author, „Aspen Magazine” 1967, nr 5/6.
Boswell J., The Life of Samuel Johnson. LLD 1791.
Buisine A., Paul Verlaine. Histoire d’un corps, Éditions Tallandier: Paris 1995.
Buisine A., Proust. Une journée particulière. Samedi 27 novembre 1909. Éditions Jean-Claude Lattès, 1991.
Dosse F., Le pari biographique. Écrire une vie. Préface inédite de l’auteur. Éditions La Découverte, Paris 2005.
Lee H., Biography: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Painter D., Chateaubriand. A Biography. Vol. I: The Longed-For Tempest, Chatto & Windus: London 1977.
Painter D., Proust – a Critical Biography, Chatto & Windus: London, 1959.
Schwob M., Vies imaginaires (Żywoty urojone, 1896).
Terlecki T., Ziemskie pokarmy Aleksandra Janty, [w:] Spotkania ze swoimi, Wrocław 1999.
Tomasik K., Kłamać, aby żyć, [w:] tenże, Homobiografie, wyd. II, poprawione i poszerzone, Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa 2014.
Vasari G., Le vite de’ piú eccellenti pittori, scultori et architettori (Żywoty najsławniejszych malarzy, rzeźbiarzy i architektów) Wyd. I 1550, wyd. II 1568.
Woolf V., The Art of the Essay, [w:] The Death of the Moth and Other Essays, Penguin Books, 1965.
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