In her article, Barbara Czarnecka analyses Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz’s artwork at the concentration camp in Ravensbrück through the prism of somatic personalism. The contemporary discussion on historical matters in the public space is far-reaching and multi-threaded; it is co-created – according to the researcher – by topics not only strictly museum-related, but also those related to unconventional memorial sites, or even memorial (non-)sites in public space, historical tourism and historical restoration movements, historical performance, the role and potential of oral history, contemporary archival work and social archives, and visualizations of history and its presence in the media, not only in historical film and radio, but also, for example, comics, popular music, board games and computer games. Nevertheless, the optimistic aspect of most of these activities and perspectives is democratization assuming the inclusion of individual voices, faces and bodies, such as those recorded in the works of Simon-Pietkiewicz while in the camp, in the macrohistory discourse.
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