Greater Poland and Lesser Poland nobility in view of the demands to implement the provisions of the Warsaw Confederation in the years 1587–1609
BP 42
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Sigismund III Vasa
Warsaw confederation

How to Cite

Suchodolski, P. (2019). Greater Poland and Lesser Poland nobility in view of the demands to implement the provisions of the Warsaw Confederation in the years 1587–1609 . Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 42(1), 297–311.


The author presents attempts to enact the process of the Warsaw confederation and the compositio inter status from the perspective of the parliament and seymiks (local governments) during the reign of Sigismund III Vasa in the years 1587–1609. The need to work out the composition, expressed in the act of confederation, was used by the clergy to effectively block attempts to establish this process by recognizing by the Parliament the need to simultaneously adopt laws regulating both issues. The constitutions adopted in 1607 and 1609 establishing extra-parliamentary comittees that were to reach an agreement between the states were not implemented. Despite the support given by the Środa Wielkopolska and Proszowice seymiks, protestants failed to reach their goals. The problem was not only their scope, but also the form, often unacceptable to the episcopate. The largest number of laws regarding the issues discussed was the result of the session of the parliament in 1607, which was aimed at calming noblemen’s unrest in the era of Zebrzydowski’s rebellion, which however remained unenforceable.
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