The article deals with the problem post-1989 literature studies have currently found themselves in, mainly focusing on case study analysis that aligned with numerous methodological phrases in the last 30 years, which resulted in critical articles and smaller reductionist-like works, rather than “big works” of a monographic and biographical nature. The author of the text postulates a return to monographs and biographies as long and hierarchical narratives, resulting from many years of research which should be based on analyses of sources, documents, official publications reflecting a multifaceted and deepened character of the work and its author. He also advocates a real “integration” of archival, journalistic, literary, historical and political content created outside Poland, especially after 1945, with literature written simultaneously in Poland. It is particularly important that the resulting monographic works concerning the work and life of a national author, even if episodically connected with emigration, should take into account the reception of the western side. The actual integration of the two circulations of Polish cultural thought, remains a task waiting to be undertaken.
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