The article analyzes Anna Kostenko’s novel “Tsurky-Gylkyˮ, the research focuses on the space of the Odessa courtyard, which is masterfully depicted by the author. The Odessa courtyard is an essential component of the Odessa myth. The body of texts depicting the “Odessa myth” in fiction is quite large, since the poems written by Alexander Pushkin the city has become a part of many works of literature. Today, the most viable myth is the Odessa myth created by Isaac Babel. The components of the myth are known: the romanticized image of criminal life, subtle humor (often on the verge of sarcasm), unprecedented generosity, and hospitality. To analyze the novel, we suggest establishing a conceptual system. The most complete concept of “myth” in context to the semiotics of the city is analyzed in the studies by the Moscow-Tartu school, which, in particular, researched such aspects as space, the structure of myth – V. Toporov; the definition of myth, myth and name – A. Piatyhorskiy, B. Uspenskiy, Y. Lotman and others. In conclusion, by restricting the space for events to within one courtyard, it enriches the text of the novel, and the semiotic systems and hierarchies become superimposed one on top of other. The concepts of good and evil lose their “classic” connotation. This is a kind of purgatory through which strangers pass and subsequently affect the life of those living there.
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