Typology of Odessa in the essays of B. Khersonsky
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B. Khersonsky
”essay of place”

How to Cite

Shevtschenkо Т. (2020). Typology of Odessa in the essays of B. Khersonsky. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 48(3), 255–268. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.529


he article analyzes the topological peculiarities of the embodiment of Odessa in B. Khersonsky’s essays from the perspective of the ”essay of place” as a peculiar variation of the writer’s literary platform with regards to their topological format, which is a continuation of verbal searches, established in other practices, the ones that are already established for the writer. Odessa is outlined through important topographic accents made by means of reflection, the author’s personal attachment to topological realities rooted in the past as well as their experience, and to their attraction of theorizing the phenomenon of space itself as an object of reflection, a factor of identity. Attention is drawn to the artistic and intellectual side to experiencing the problems of Odessa the people who represent it or are associated with it in the work ”The Patched Blanket” by B. Khersonsky. The complex socio-cultural, mythological, political, historical, religious, ethnic, linguistic and other facets of a city with more than 200 years of history are the switches to this experience, thus creating images and essays whose nature is cultural, historical, mythological and existential at the same time. 

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