“Eternal re gives me birth and I confess the sun. The element of re in poetry by Wincenty Korab-Brzozowskis
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Wincenty Korab-Brzozowski’s

How to Cite

Borek, B. (2020). “Eternal re gives me birth and I confess the sun. The element of re in poetry by Wincenty Korab-Brzozowskis. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 48(3), 331–350. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.533


The article is an attempt to analyze and interpret selected works of Wincenty Korab-Brzozowski, each related to one another by the presence of the element of re. Referring to the recognition of ancient philosophers, attempts were made to point out the similarities and differences in the treatment of the phenomenon of re in the authors lyrical work Amongst the stars

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