Witold Gombrowicz in Ukraine – translations, perception, future
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Witold Gombrowicz
Polish studies in Ukraine

How to Cite

Strohanova, K. (2018). Witold Gombrowicz in Ukraine – translations, perception, future. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 41(4), 19–34. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.60


In her article, Kateryna Strohanova describes and systemises the work of Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) in Ukrainian information space, together with specified information on translations and (scientific, critical, and literary) reception. The description of available sources and their chronological systemisation allow her to present the total reception of Gombrowicz in Ukraine. The first part of the author’s text includes a short account of the history of translations of Gombrowicz’s works into Ukrainian in the years 1989–2015. The second part aims to describe basic critical, literary and journalistic reactions to the works of the Polish writer (according to the chronology of translations as they were published). The last part describes Ukrainian research work on the life and work of the author of "Trans-Atlantyk". Here, Strohanova makes a reflection that Gombrowicz’s work is not sufficiently represented in the Ukrainian Polish studies and this gap should be filled as quickly as possible.

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