Return to already gone home. A comparative analysis of "Return from the Stars" by Stanisław Lem and "Van Troff’s Cylinder" by Janusz A. Zajdel
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Stanisław Lem
Janusz Andrzej Zajdel

How to Cite

Jamiołkowski , A. (2021). Return to already gone home. A comparative analysis of "Return from the Stars" by Stanisław Lem and "Van Troff’s Cylinder" by Janusz A. Zajdel. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 52(3), 107–124.


The article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of the novels: Return from the Stars by Stanisław Lem and Van Troff’s Cylinder by Janusz A. Zajdel. Both works belonging to Polish science fiction present visions of humanity in the future. Despite obvious differences (both novels were written in different circumstances, one novel is a dystopia, the other an anti-utopia) it is possible to find areas common to both works representing the Polish science fiction genre. The novels present a pessimistic vision of humanity in the future. The greatest similarity, however, can be observed in the creation of the main characters, who experience culture shock when faced with a new vision of human society. The protagonists find themselves confused, discordant and despairing. They see that the changes have gone in the wrong direction. But it is too late for them to do anything about it, except for accepting this reality or trying to escape from it back into the stars.
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