The case of Zuzanna Ginczanka
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Poliszczuk, J. (2018). The case of Zuzanna Ginczanka. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 41(4), 63–74.


The subject of a research observation presented in the article is an original aristocratic profile of Zuzanna Ginczanka (proper name: Zuzanna Polina Gincburg, 1917–1944). She was a Polish, Jewish-origin poet who had her debut in Warsaw in the 1930s. During World War II she became one of the Holocaust victims. The legend of Ginczanka is focused on her tragic fate and early death at the age of 27. Nonetheless, her poetic work deserves our attention. It has recently been appreciated by researchers. Poliszczuk deliberates on Ginczanka’s artistic and sexual identity crisis, so explicitly expressed in her work. Ginczanka’s linguistic and cultural orientation inclines her to choose the Polish nationality. Racial persecution suffered by the poet as well as the need to explore her roots directed her towards the Jewish culture. However, the language used in her family linked her with the world of Russian culture, which she treated with distance. Anyway, Zuzanna Ginczanka felt a sort of „heroic betrayal”, both in terms of her origin and language. At present, her original profile again intrigues researchers and commentators, and the artist’s poetry is also worth perceiving as a special kind of cultural palimpsest.
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