The correspondence between Kazimierz Wierzyński and Roman Palester includes more than a hundred letters covering the years 1946–1969, referring to the uncomfortable position of Wierzyński as an emigrant and Palester intent on political emigration, hoping for the help of Poles based in European and American cultural institutions. The correspondence also precedes the personal meeting of the two creators, and its content concerns a wide range of vital problems related to staying outside Poland as well as writing about, composing, experiencing loneliness and personal experiences of intimate nature. The letters under discussion contain opinions on the artistic environment at home and in the world as well as interesting and significant remarks on politics and culture.
Helman Z., Roman Palester. Twórczość i dzieło, Kraków 1999.
Listy Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego do Józefa Wittlina, „Więź” 1989, nr 2.
Palester R., Konflikt Marsjasza, „Kultura”/Paryż 1951, nr 7–8.
Palester R., Słuch absolutny. Niedokończona autobiografia i listy z lat wojny, oprac. i komentarzami opatrzyła Z. Helman, Warszawa–Kraków 2017.
Palester R., Uwagi o muzyce, „Kultura”/Paryż 1951, nr 12.
Wejs-Milewska V., Marsjaszowe konflikty. O szkicach Romana Palestra, Do publiczności w Polsce: Miłosz, Palester, Panufnik, [w:] tejże, Wykluczeni – wychodźstwo, kraj. Studia z antropologii emigracji polskiej XX wieku (idee, osobowości, instytucje), Białystok 2012, s. 43–144.
Wierzyński K., Listy 1941–1956, Warszawa 2016.
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