Gustaw Gizewiusz’s and Michał Kajka’s defence of the Polish language in the era of Germanisation policy of the 19th and 20th centuries
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Polish language
Polish culture of the 19th century

How to Cite

Pflugbeil, C. (2018). Gustaw Gizewiusz’s and Michał Kajka’s defence of the Polish language in the era of Germanisation policy of the 19th and 20th centuries. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 41(4), 147–170.


The article focuses on the work of Gustaw Gizewiusz (1810-1848), a scientist and an Evangelic pastor serving in the Polish church in Ostróda in East Prussia, and Michał Kajka (1858-1940), a talented craftsman and a Masuria poet. Although they both lived and worked in different eras, they were linked by hard work towards saving the Polish language and culture. Christina Pflugbeil analyses selected themes of Gizewiusz’s most prominent works, such as: ‘Polskie obywatelstwo w Prusach’ (1843) [‘Polish citizenship in Prussia’] or ‘Umiejętność drukowania książek’ (1842) [‘The craft of book printing’]. The researcher also dedicates a lot of space to Michał Kajka, describes his engagement in preserving the Polish language and culture that the author reflected in his literary work. For many years Kajka documented the invader’s policy towards Poles, starting with Germanisation and ending with the Nazi period. The author reminds that he – being a true patriot, opposed removing the Polish language from the religious life of Masuria-Polish people since he identified the mother tongue used in the liturgy and the Bible with a symbol of the Polishness of Masuria inhabitants.
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