Towards the bibliography of the next generation – as exemplified by the Base of publications and artistic work of employees and doctoral students at Bialystok University of Technology
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institutional bibliography
bibliography of the next generation
scientific output
Bialystok University of Technology

How to Cite

Gogiel-Kuźmicka, A., & Kierejczuk, . E. (2018). Towards the bibliography of the next generation – as exemplified by the Base of publications and artistic work of employees and doctoral students at Bialystok University of Technology. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 41(4), 237–256.


Dynamic changes in the process of communication and in the access to information made a significant impact on special bibliography that documents the university’s scientific output. Initially, these were the growth in producing scientific publications as well as the application of new ICT technologies that transformed traditional bibliography into a bibliographic database. Next, the expansion of the formal extent of registration and the so-called movement towards open science made databases evolve towards the bibliography of the next generation. On this wave of changes, connected with the policy of Open Access, numerous libraries create institutional repositories or university databases with an access to full texts of scientific publications that are aimed at supplementing or replacing the existing bibliographic bases. The Base of publications and artistic work of the employees and doctoral students at the Bialystok University of Technology reflects specific stages of the evolution that affected institutional bibliography for the last half century.
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The editorial team of “Bibliotekarz Podlaski” implements an open access policy by publishing materials in the form of the so-called Gold Open Access. The journal is available under the Creative Commons license – Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0: International: CC BY-SA 4.0).

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