Cultural and Linguistic Challenges of Poetry Translation. Analysis of the English Translations of „Dwoje Ludzieńków” by Bolesław Leśmian


polish literature
Bolesław Leśmian
XXth Century

How to Cite

Saks , L. (2022). Cultural and Linguistic Challenges of Poetry Translation. Analysis of the English Translations of „Dwoje Ludzieńków” by Bolesław Leśmian. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 56(3), 279–296.


The main aim of the present article is to demonstrate linguistic and cultural differences, based on a comparison of Bolesław Leśmian’s poem Dwoje ludzieńków, with its English translations by Sandra Celt and Marian Polak-Chlabicz. The choice of poems was dictated by several criteria i.a. whether a given text depicts image of God and presents Leśmian’s philosophy in the most visible way. In the theoretical part, James Holmes’ strategies of poetry translation (mimetic, analogical, organic, deviant/extraneous) are presented and serve as a foundation for the practical part. Furthermore, Leśmian’s literary style and the reception of his poetry in the context of translation may be found in the article. Translation analysis, which constitutes the practical part, encompasses several comparative surfaces, i.e. rhythm, stylistic devices, content, as well as selected cultural aspects. Moreover, the study demonstrates the linguistic difficulties which the translators had to face during the translation process. The translation strategies applied by Celt and Polak-Chlabicz present their influence on the final translation results as well as its reception in the target culture.


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