The article concerns the study of foreign-language concepts in the titles of the latest Russian drama plays. The material for the study is the texts of the modern plays „Hype” by V. Olkhovskaya and „Topless Photo” by N. Blok. The focus is on the
verbal representations of the concepts „hype” and „topless”, analyzed from two methodological perspectives—the literary and the linguistic. This interdisciplinary approach provided a comprehensive study of the poetics and semantics of the dramatic text, which allowed the conceptual parameters of text formation in the latest Russian drama to be highlighted. The results obtained were based on an analysis of the dramatic picture of the world, its reception by the reader, and the conceptualization of the text through the title of the dramatic work. It has been proved that the key role in the development of the plot line, the formation of the world picture, and the actualization of the communicative interaction of the characters, belong to the foreign-language concept in the title of the play. Thus, we can observe the thematization of the author’s communicative influence on the reader, as well as
the interpenetration of dramatic and network discourse.
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