The article is a review of the book In the Web of Nature and Culture. Bolesław Prus in the Face of the Worldview Dilemmas of His Times by Tomasz Sobieraj. In his analysis and interpretation, the author introduces the terms ‘anthropocene’ and
‘capitalocene,’ which have recently become popular in ecocritical research and social sciences. Sobieraj is interested in Prus’s attitude to the world of nature (both animate and inorganic), which is situated between anthropocentrism and biocentrism. The versatility of Prus’s interests is evidenced by the chapters devoted to technology and politics, in which the writer draws attention to the need to change the education system, industrial development, and the change of heart in Polish mentality.
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Domańska E., Humanistyka ekologiczna, „Teksty Drugie” 2013, nr 1–2.
Gielata I., Bolesław Prus u progu nowoczesności, Bielsko-Biała 2011.
Reymont W.S., Ziemia obiecana, wstęp M. Popiel, Wrocław 2015.
Sobieraj T., W sieci natury i kultury. Bolesław Prus wobec dylematów światopoglądowych swojej epoki, Kraków 2022.
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