Groza w literaturze dziecięcej. Ilustracje do baśni "Sinobrody" na rynku polskim
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reception of Perrault’s fairy tales in Poland
fear and literature for children
violence and literature for children

How to Cite

Kaczyńska, B. (2018). Groza w literaturze dziecięcej. Ilustracje do baśni "Sinobrody" na rynku polskim. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 40(3), 11–29.


Even though the 'Bluebeard tale' ("La Barbe-bleue") by Charles Perrault was intended for adults when first published in 1697, it has since been absorbed, like all fairy tales, by the literature for children, despite its violent and pessimist contents. This article discusses the illustrations to this tale available on the Polish market in order to analyze the visual image of the Bluebeard and the forbidden room, as well as to determine whether and to what extent illustrators attempt to bowdlerize the tale’s dark message and adapt it to the assumed sensitivity of the child reader, or whether they additionally emphasize the horror present in the text.
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